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Kimer Med responds to comments in media

It was brought to our attention that someone has made a bunch of somewhat pessimistic comments on a Stuff article (November 28) about Kimer Med. We encourage questions about our work, and we don’t mind a healthy dose of scepticism…

But aren’t some viruses good?

Occasionally, we see objections to antiviral drugs, especially those targeting broad spectrum efficacy, based on the idea that viruses can be beneficial to human life. Usually however, these objections rest on a straw man: including viruses which attack bacteria (known…

Antiviral development is critical for pandemic preparedness

Before covid-19 burst into our lives and onto our screens in 2019, the word ‘pandemic’ was not part of the daily vocabulary. It’s quite possible that I’ve never even used the word during my 46 years on this planet. Now,…

Kimer Med wins Innovative Business Award

We were  honoured to be recognised for our innovative business model, and our approach to antiviral development at the Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce Business Awards. It was a great way to raise the profile of our business.   Nelson…

Q&A – All your antiviral questions and answers

In this article we will answer some of the questions we get asked about our work. If you have a question you’d like answered, please email us. The most recent updates are  added to the bottom of the article, and…

A cure for Monkeypox – is re-purposing existing drugs the way to go?

The current monkeypox outbreak continues to cause concern, not least because there are no specific antivirals to treat this infection. As attention turns to rapidly repurposing other drugs in the hope that they might prove to be effective, the situation…

A new virus has recently been discovered in China. Should we be alarmed?

An international team of scientists is now monitoring a newly-identified and potentially dangerous virus that is believed to have ‘jumped’ from animals to humans. You may recall that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, spilled over from bats into the…

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